Sunday, August 3, 2008

Recovery Run, Yoga and the Evils of McDonalds and Dairy

This week we ran an 8 mile recovery run.

The recovery runs in combination with the 30min maintenance runs during the week function to help build your endurance and to keep you from straining your body.

A lot of folks at my running site are currently injured, so I've been really blessed to still be injury free.

I went to yoga again on Thursday and really enjoyed it. But since I live in the food desert that is the south side of Chicago I could not find any good breakfast food to eat (of course this made me miss Ann Arbor where there is a cheap, delicious breakfast place on practically every corner *sigh*).

So I convinced myself that an egg mcgridle would be a good substitute for pancakes.

It was clearly the worst idea I've ever had.

Its strange.... the more I workout, the more sensitive my body is to junk food and to other foods like dairy. I'm pretty much forced into eating healthier just so that I don't end up completely miserable...

The trick is going to be.... how does one go about eating in a healthy manner when you live in a food desert and don't know how to cook?

.... things that make you say *hhhhhhmmmm*

peace :-).

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