Saturday, May 10, 2008

Second Saturday Morning Long Run

At 7am this morning I went out for my second saturday morning long group run.

I was really nervous because of how much i suffered with the 3 mile run last week... lol. So i wasn't particularly enthusiastic when I woke up at 6am this morning.

I experimented with my pre-run food again... I needed to switch from the oatmeal.... after talking to a couple of more experienced runners.... apparently after you've been running for 2-3hrs... the fiber can start to get to you... LOL

this time i tried a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with butter. i ended up burning it horribly (yes i can't cook... laugh it up... lol).... however.... i ate it anyway and it worked out well...

we ran 4 miles today.... and it went GREAT....

i could really tell that my maintenance runs and cross/strength training during the week had helped build/maintained my endurance...

my pace group finished ahead of time and i didn't feel fatigued at all.... it was a great feeling and i'm feeling much more confidant going into my 5, 6, and 7 mile runs in the next 3 weeks.

the one thing i am going to watch is the pounding my legs/knees are getting on that concrete... so strength training is going to be really important.

outside of that... i'm definetly the youngest person in my pace group.... and i'm probably one of the younger people in the training program (at least on the southside). its interesting... a lot of the participants (at my site) are older black women (30's and 40's) who have decided for whatever reason to make a life change. its really inspiring.

it does make me wonder though.... why don't more young black women in their 20's try and actively improve their health? its not like we all aren't aware of the many health problems that our mothers, aunts, friends, sisters, and grandmothers suffer from being overweight, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. trying to be healthy now.... in an attempt to be preventative... will definetly save you from a lot of heart ache later.... regardless of how small you may be right now.

*stepping off my soap box* LOL

anyway... don't forget to DONATE, DONATE, DONATE! :-)


1 comment:

AB said...

I agree that more young Black women need to get on point with our health. I'm working on watching the foods I put in my body... exercising on the other hand *sigh*