Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Run Dedication

This goes out...

to all of the folks in Detroit with HIV/AIDS that don't have marathons run in their honor

those folks who aren't wealthy and don't have wealthy friends to run and raise money for their meds

those folks who live in areas that altruistic college students are to scared to "study abroad" in

those folks that live in the third world neighborhoods that aren't sexy enough to get their starving kids adopted by hollywood movie stars

those same folks that aren't covered by those MTV sponsored global AIDS organizations and instead whose children are being left behind by the government...

this goes out...

to all the regular, around the way folks, who grow up in our neighborhoods that we ignore and avoid, those hurricane katrina victims infected with HIV/AIDS that weren't able to get food and water, let alone medication... for days, that receive no media, care or attention by an American public that is supposed to be dedicated to uplifting and caring for the worlds sick and poor.

those neighborhoods that don't have peace corp volunteers building schools for their illiterate children

those pregnant mothers that can't get HIV/AIDS medication because they have no health care

this goes out to...

those folks we turn away from when we walk down the river walk...

those folks we shoo away when they come up to our cars asking for change...

those folks whose homes we pretend weren't bulldozed by gentrifications imminent domain...

this goes out to...

the folks who live in our peripheral vision, on the edges of our neighborhoods and on the fringes of our hearts...


p.s. I would like to thank Gail Day and Nicole Taylor for donating this week. Please continue to donate to this GREAT cause!

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